Winter Dreamtime Tea Blend Recipe

Winter is the season of rest and hibernation in the northern hemisphere. It is a time of year for us to delight in the sanctuary of our homes. We can take an example from our animal and plant relatives for how to relate to the world around us by slowing down and going inward. It is rich time to extract medicine from our dreams as we take time to relax and receive. Dreams during this season are full of meaning for the rest of the year. In some traditions, dreams are recorded for the 12 days after Winter Solstice to use as guidance and symbols for the upcoming year’s work. For this winter dream tea, we call upon the dried flowers of summer to uplift our hearts and minds as we work intentionally with dream recall and guidance.

Dreamtime Tea Blend Recipe
5 Tbsp. Calendula
5 Tbsp. Blue Lotus flowers
5 Tbsp. Rose petals
5 Tbsp. Hops
5 Tbsp. Lemon Verbena
4 Tbsp. Spearmint
1 Tbsp Licorice root
1/2 Tbsp. Mugwort aerial parts

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Pour into an airtight glass container or jar for storage. To prepare a cup of tea, add 1 Tablespoon of tea blend to 1 cup just boiled water. Steep loose for 15 minutes and strain through a fine mesh kitchen strainer. Drink 45-30 minutes before bed. Sip with intentions for creating your dreamscape. Alternatively, you can stuff the herbs into a muslin bag and place them under your pillow as a dream pillow.


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